- Intelligent Search Results – Allows you to explore results from key sites and narrow results using different types of SearchMonkey structured data. Over the past few months, even more enhanced results for product, local, entertainment, reference, social, and tech sites have been displayed automatically. With the new search page design, we have made it easier to see these riche results from an increasing number of sites.
- Feature-Rich Experience – Provides quick access to search features that make people’s online lives safer and easier, including Search Scan/SafeSearch (which helps protect you from viruses, spyware, and spam while you search) and Search Pad. Now it will be even easier to return to the research documents you have created while searching.
- Search Assist Expansion – With the new design, our powerful query assistance is still available directly below the search box, but we’ve also incorporated it into the left-hand column for quick access lower on the page, even when the Search Assist layer is hidden. You can use this column to easily explore and discover concepts related to your query. We have added Search Assist to the search box on every Yahoo! page in the U.S. with the launch of a new universal header.
(3)検索補助機能は確かに充実しています。検索を行うと、Yahoo!のアルゴリズムにしたがって、左カラムにYahoo!関連サービスやWikipedia、Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, FriendFeedなどのサービス毎の結果が表示されます。これは非常に探しやすく便利な機能だといえます。ただ、現時点ではどの検索ワードで検索すれば、どのサービスが表示されるのか、あるいはここに表示させるにはどのような条件が必要なのか、ということに関する法則のようなものは分かりませんでした。